We have the hang of it now. Everything is clicking along like a finely tuned kazoo. Actually, it has been quite good, hope I didn’t jinx it.  After leaving Santa Rosalia we had a great sail to Punta Chivato. Chivato has the best shell beach. There is quite a community of aviators that have homes here and they have their own private airstrip right off the beach. The day we left, there were a couple of planes doing fly byes over us, close enough that we could see the pilot. We shared the anchorage with 2 other boats and spent time exploring the beach with them. While we were there, a fishing trawler came and anchored in the bay. One of the other boaters was fluent in Spanish and managed to negotiate a trade. We provided Coke, cookies and chips and they gave us bags of frozen shrimp. Excellent trade as far as we were concerned.  There were seven fishermen and the captain aboard and they had been out fishing for 40 days. They didn’t want money, they wanted cigarettes, Coke and snacks.

A mile long and several feet deep all large shells
Traded Shrimp for Coca Cola and cookies

Santispac was our next stop, it is in Bahia Conception and is one of our all-time favorites. Awesome beach, bays to explore in the dinghy and the best shrimp ceviche we have found. Sitting in a beach side bar with fresh shrimp ceviche and cold beverages is tough to beat. They even had live music one night.

Shrimp Ceviche… YUMMMM

Some of our other stops included San Juanico where one of the cruising boats invited the other boats in the anchorage to a beach bonfire. A great opportunity to meet others and share stories.

Pelicans in San Juanico

We were coming into Isla Coronados when our cell phones start pinging, first cell service in several days.  We are just hearing about all the devastating news from home in BC with all the flooding, mudslides and roads/highways destroyed.  Our prayers go out to everyone affected. 

We spent a couple days here. This spot has been on and off our favorites list a couple of times. It’s a great beach anchorage but Baja Mexico is a desert. If fresh water is scarce the bees will swarm your boat looking for any source. We have been chased out here a couple of times. Literally hundreds of bees on the boat looking for morning dew or fresh water around your sink taps and drains. No bees this time so its back on the list of fav’s.

Isla Cornados clear waters
Just a small section of the beach

We anchored off of Loreto one morning and took the dinghy in to the small marina.  We had heard from other cruisers that they were now charging you to leave your dinghy there.  184 Pesos or $11.50 Cdn per day for the dinghy and 2 people, oh well not so bad. I’ve paid more for an hour to park my car in Vancouver so I guess we can’t complain.

Bill for the dinghy dock parking
Loreto small boat harbour
Loreto street

We spent 2 days in Honeymoon Cove on Isla Danzante. This is a small cove with room for maybe 4 or 5 sailboats. Our view was a little different this time as there were two 150-foot yachts anchored out a little deeper. The tender for one of them was a 38-foot center console boat with four 300 horsepower outboards on it. Just a glimpse of how the rich and famous do it.

Hiked up the island for a picture of our boat… Its in the upper left

From Honeymoon its just a short hop over to Puerto Escondido where we are currently tied to a mooring ball. It’s a chance to reprovision, get some wifi and grab some gas for the dinghy before we continue the trek south to La Paz. Looks like we have some heavy winds and even the possibility of rain coming in a few days, so we’ll have to find a place to hunker down for a couple of days until it blows over.

Puerto Escondido

We’ve done some fishing too. So far, the fish are up two lures to zero fish. The battle continues.

Next update when we get wifi.

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One thought on “Movin’ South

  1. Hi. Good to hear and see your great photos. Fresh shrimp sounds really good.
    Yes, a lot of crazy weather here.
    When are you two back here for Christmas Season.

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