One of the interesting things I have realized about this cruising lifestyle is that when you come into a town by boat you are, by its very nature, at sea level. Anyone who is familiar with the BC coast knows its built from mountains and therefore any activity off the boat requires an uphill hike.

Ladysmith is a prime example. We anchored near the head of the bay and took the dinghy to the city marina. They have a guest dock with free moorage for a few hours while you visit the town. From the shore end of the dock, look up, look way up and you can see the town.

Often described as the town time forgot the city has an old town feel with restored buildings and bright colours. The town has taken the time to give the history of some the buildings, some dating back to the early 1900’s, on placards attached to the front of the building.

Ladysmith buildings
Ladysmith Pizza

The hike is worth it when you find the Old Town Bakery. Famous for its varied selection of cinnamon buns amongst the normal bakery fare. The strawberry rhubarb ones were very good. The hike up to and walk through the town probably didn’t burn the calories consumed. But still worth it in my books.

Strawberry Rhubarb Cinnamon Bun
Old Town Bakery

Cowichan Bay was another stop this week. This time we took a slip at one of the marinas. The bay has a large mud flat that dries at low tide and many private mooring buoys, not leaving much room to anchor.

Cowichan Bay mud flats

On the foreshore there is a half a mile of shops, restaurants and the maritime museum which incorporates a long pier with sections describing  the history and development of the area.

Cowichan Bay Float Homes

We’re still trying to get the mainsail working and hopeful that this will be the week the puzzle is solved and we can get headed in the right direction.

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3 thoughts on “Sea Level

  1. Hi guys.
    Enjoyed this blog , an interesting read. Hopefully you have the sail and are on your way. Xo

  2. Glad to see you are managing to get a bit further north. How is the main sail rolling? Hope you can get all your issues settled and really get going soon.

  3. Sure hope you are underway by now. This was not a good start but a lot better than if it was up the coast some distance. Hope you are still enjoying the boat as its a lot more fun than at work.

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