After all the preparations and the emotions of the first day it was nice to find our way to a trusted and favorite area of ours, Pender Harbour. A very pretty spot with a variety of anchorages. John Henrys Marina for fuel and ice cream,  The Garden Bay Marina for the pub and Madeira Park with the IGA for groceries to name a few.

Pender Harbour from Madeira Park wharf

This time we anchored in Garden Bay. We dinghied to the public wharf and made the short walk to the IGA for a couple of items and back to the boat to chill and take in all that has happened. We barbequed a couple of steaks for dinner and over a glass of red had a chance to savor our situation.

The next morning, we headed up the Agamemnon Channel and Princess Royal Reach to Princess Louisa.
Princess Louisa Marine Park is one of the BC coast’s jewels. It is a Provincial Marine park located at the end of Princess Louisa Inlet and includes Chatterbox Falls.

Chatterbox Falls

It is accessed through Malibu Rapids which is a tricky dogleg entrance that must be timed for slack tide or risk having you and your boat tossed against the rocky shore by currents that can reach speeds of ten knots.
There is a Young Life Christian camp at Malibu Rapids and young people have been spending time there every summer for many years.

Young Life Malibu Club

For most of the trip you are sailing in fjords. It is steep and deep with the mountain rising over 3000 feet right from the shores and the waters 600 to 1000 feet deep.

View down Princess Royal Reach

You can quite literally be less than 50 feet from the shore and be in over 200 feet of water. Numerous waterfalls  cascade down rock faces and into the sea.

one of many along the way

Its all quite spectacular, even in the rain.

can you spot the rainbow?



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One thought on “Sunshine Coast

  1. Hi. So good to hear from you.We just got back from Whistler and driving through West Vancouver thinking of you while looking at the Ocean. Love your blog and hearing of your adventures. Sunny sky’s……

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